
Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is used to prevent the spread of infectious disease. In general, contact tracing involves identifying people who have an infectious disease (cases) and people who they came in contact with (contacts) and working with them to interrupt disease spread. This includes asking people with COVID-19 to isolate and their contacts to quarantine at home voluntarily.

NOTICE: AHD has contracted with AM Trace to provide contact tracing services for positive COVID-19 cases in Anchorage and their contacts. AM Trace contact tracers may ask for you to identify yourself with your birthdate in order to confirm they have contacted the correct individual and to protect your privacy. Participating in contact tracing keeps you and those around you safe.


Testing is recommended for all close contacts. Visit AnchorageCOVIDtest.org to find free and safe testing at locations around the Municipality of Anchorage. For more information on testing click here.

For more information on the Municipality of Anchorage’s COVID-19 response, click here.